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2-3-11 Beautification Commission Minutes
Beautification Commission
Thursday, February 3, 2011   

Present:       Pat Byrnes; Marylee Hickey; Dolores Kehoe;  Mary Mourey; Tony Russo; Pat Sirois.

Also Present:  Tim Bockus, Acting Director/Public Works  
Absent: Helen Boardman; Betty Russell (excused) 
Roger Moss, Director/Park and Recreation
                Bonnie Nichols, Director/Inspections and Planning

Call to order:
Chair Sirois called the meeting of the Beautification Commission to order at 7:15 p.m.
Tim Bockus introduced himself to the Commissioners.  He is the Acting Director of Public Works.

Acceptance of minutes of NOVEMBER 4, 2010      
Marylee Hickey made a motion to accept the minutes of the November 4, 2010 meeting. Seconded by Mary Mourey.  Approved.

Opportunity for citizens to speak:      None.   

Financial Report:                                       
Mary Mourey reported that the General Fund has $6493.47.  Remembrance Fund balance is $520.96.

Chair Sirois received the following communication:
  • Arbor Day Foundation invoice for $15.00
  • Letter from Mayor LeClerc reappointing Marylee Hickey to the Commission
  • Letter from Mayor LeClerc stating that she is freezing the town budget
Chair Sirois requested that the clerk contact the Mayor’s office in reference to the Arbor Day Foundation invoice.  It is vitally important that this invoice be paid so the town of East Hartford can be nominated for Tree City.
Chair's report:                         No report at this time.                         
Tree Warden's Report:                   No report at this time.         
Old Business:                                                                           
  • Holiday Fest ‘10        
Chair Sirois reported there was $700 collected for the Fuel Bank in town.  The main concern she had was there were insufficient brochures. Extra brochures were printed at Custom Printing.  Chair Sirois further stated that the brochures need to get delivered to the school buildings earlier. Marylee Hickey stated that the brochures need to be counted by class size not total enrollment.  Information by class for each school will be needed next year.

Chair Sirois reported that all the events went very well.

New Business
  • Arbor Day
Mayberry School is the designed school to celebrate Arbor Day.  The event will take place on Friday, April 29, 2011.  The clerk will get all the information to the principal.

  • Budget 2011-2012                                                                       
Chair Sirois and Mary Mourey submitted the Beautification Budget to Mayor LeClerc.  The Beautification Commission requested $8100 for the 2011-2012 budget.  This reflects a zero percent increase.
Concerns of the Commission:
Tim Bockus stated the application for Tree City was submitted electronically on January 31, 2011.  He will need to forward a hard copy and if information is needed he will contact the clerk.

Mary Mourey reported that the Commission is in need of button parts and will get the information as far as cost and report next month.

Tim Bockus reported on the snow removal efforts being done by the town.

Payment of Bills:
        Theresa Godreau (clerk)                 $ 75.00
        Arbor Day Foundation            $ 15.00
Marylee Hickey made a motion to pay the clerk and to approve the bills as submitted.  Seconded by Pat Byrnes.  Approved.
There being no further business, Mary Mourey made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 7:58 p.m. Seconded by Tony Russo. Approved.

The next meeting of the Commission will be March 3, 2011 in Building Department Conference Room at 7:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Theresa Godreau, Clerk